경제·인문사회연구회 (National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences)
국회미래연구원 (National Assembly Futures Institute)
자연드림 (icoop KOREA)
신협중앙회 (Credit Union Federation of Korea)
성공회대학교 ESG경연구소 (Sungkonghoe University ESG Management Institute)
국회사무처 (National Assembly Secretariat)
Research Group of Reciprocity and Cooperation(Academy of Korean Studies)
한국자활복지개발원 (Korea Development Institute for Self-Sufficiency and Welfare)
한국법제연구원 (Korea Legislation Research Institute)
서울연구원 (The Seoul Institute)
한국협동조합학회 (Korean Society for Cooperative Studies)
현대자동차 (Hyundai Motor Company)
전국사회연대경제지방정부협의회 (Association of Korean Local Governments for Social Economy and Solidarity )
한국사회가치연대기금 (Korea Social Value and Solidarity Foundation)
한겨레경제사회연구원 (Hankyoreh Economy & Society Research Institute)
한국사회적경제연대회의 (Korea Social Economy Network)